About Us

Starting from OneHub Growth Organization

Since 2019, OneHub Growth has begun offering community-based programs and services to people in need. We acknowledge the barriers and challenges experienced by vulnerable individuals and families. Living in vulnerable circumstances can be caused by limited capacity or inadequate access to resources and opportunities. Anyone can find themselves in these situations at some point in their life (Canadian Institutes of Health Research, 2018).

Learn More About OneHub Growth

The Emergence of eStore of Determination

As our mission, through a community-based framework, we empower people to overcome societal and individual barriers to employability and income security to optimize their growth across their lifespan. Our mandates are aligned with the eStore Project for Persons with Determination. We

  • Act as an inclusive organization to promote social inclusion.
  • Use an equity lens to acknowledge barriers faced by persons with special needs.
  • Promote social justice, human rights, and equality by ensuring opportunities
  • Build a healthy community by acknowledging diversity and supporting volunteerism.
  • Fight against local poverty experienced by low-income individuals by adopting Canada’s Poverty Reduction Strategy.
  • Use a lifespan approach to deliver programs and services for adults with special needs.
  • Adopt the social determinants of health perspective to understand the lived experiences of persons with special needs.
  • Use a strength-based perspective to identify their strengths and capacities for growth.
  • Provide culturally and linguistically sensitive programs and services
  • Build connections within communities through the power of mentorship.
  • Strengthen the overall well-being of communities by promoting access, choice, and autonomy to communities’ resources.

Co-Production Model

The eStore for Persons of Determination adopts the model of co-production to involve persons of special needs in making decisions with all team members. We co-design, co-create, co-author, co-deliver, and co-evaluate the concept of eStore. The process reflects the desire to work meaningfully.

In the column of our journey, we invite you to visit and revisit our co-production process since January 2023. Through the model of co-production, we are working hard to make the eStore for Persons of Determination happen. Co-production is a relationship where team members, business owners, and persons with special needs share the power to plan and work together. We acknowledge that all partners have vital contributions to improving the quality of life for our community.

Self-Determination Principle

We respect persons with special needs and acknowledge them as Persons of Determination. The concept of self-determination concerns freedom and autonomy. Working with our eStore, our peer workers (persons of determination) are able to generate their own ideas and choose options during the shared decision-making process. The idea of autonomy is that they are free to make decisions for themselves. They have the power to act.